Jan 9Liked by Lizzie Swift

This beautiful essay probably wouldn't have happened if you weren't dealing with some personal angst. I'm glad you could feel your heart leaping toward those strangers. Thinning hair: ach. I remember when I first noticed it. Aging isn't fun, but you do get used to a progression of little declines and losses. Some matter more than others, and they tell us about our vanities and attachments...I find humor helps a lot. And knowing you aren't alone.

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Thank you, Beth. Ah yes, I'm finding 53 to be quite a... bewildering age in respect of ageing! I didn't realise women's hair could thin too, so it was rather a shock - and you are right about it exposing our vanities and attachments. I always saw my hair as my greatest asset. Humour is vital!! And ageing is liberating too, in so many ways.

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Thanks for writing this lovely piece, Lizzie. The wider world will always be doing what it does and our own feelings and lives matter just as much. My hair has always been super thick but about a year ago it thinned out and I went through a month or so of what seemed like most of it coming out in the shower! But then it stopped and I now have thinner hair, which I’d always thought I wanted until I got it! 😂

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Thanks Amanda 🙏 The hair loss really does seem to be a common thing ... One of the aspects of menopause that 'they' don't warn you about! As long as my monk's patch doesn't get any bigger, I can do a comb-over and just crack on 😂

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Menopause sure is a fun time! A good restorative for hair is rosemary oil in a carrier oil like jojoba massaged into your scalp daily. Works wonders even on monk patches! 🤣

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I'll give it a try!!

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Jan 9Liked by Lizzie Swift

❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ (that is all. Oh, also 🤗)

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Author

Thank you, Satya. Much love back to you ❤️

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deletedJan 8Liked by Lizzie Swift
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Thank you, Joe 🙏 And a happy and peaceful new year to you too :)

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